Friday, November 26, 2010


The term volume of liquid refers to the measure of capacity. The term of capacity is used to measure of substances that can poured, that is, fluids. Capacity is measured in millilitres(ml) and litres (l) in the metric system. The volume of a container is generally understood to be the capacity of the container, i. e. the amount of liquid that the container could hold, rather than the amount of space the container itself displaces.

Year 2 Students always confused when comparing capacity of two containers that can hold more. The method to read and understand the measurement is very important.
When measuring the volume of a liquid it is important to remember that liquids often adhere to surfaces. Place some liquid in a graduated cylinder and look at the meniscis (where the liquid meets the air). Notice that the meniscis is bent such that the edges are higher than the center. To get an accurate measure of volume, read the middle (lowest point) of the meniscis. It is also important to have your eyes at the same level as the meniscis when reading the measurement.

Below teaching aids and teaching activities (for high achiever and lower achiever students respectively) will help Year 2 students to understand better on volume of liquid.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

For the year 2 pupils to learn the volume of the liquid, educator must go from the grade 1 to the advance. Thus, the pupils are able to follow.

The aim of the teaching aids, are
  • To ensure the pupils are understanding the measurement of the volume for different size of containers.
  • The volume measurement enables the identification and quantification of attributes of objects so they can compared and ordered.
  • To ensure the understanding in identifying and quantifying the attributes of shapes and objects and applying measurement strategies.

Teaching aids 1: Understanding the water level by observing the container and Compare the capacity in non-standard container

Usually several pupils are not really able to differentiate the water level of the container. Well, this is the first step to make sure the whole groups of the pupils are understanding on the level of the volume.
        How the pupils understand through this lesson? For the low achiever students, teacher will prepare the activities below:
      Activities 1 :

Learning Outcomes : To make a perceptual comparison of capacity

Materials : a dispensary bottle
                 a cup
                 Three similar size drinking glass

1)Teacher shows a dispensary bottle ,a drinking glass and a cup ,each filled with
coloured- water ,and guides the pupils to guess the one which has the most or the
least amount of coloured-water.

2) Teacher confirm the answers by pouring the coloured-water from A and C into the drinking glass D and E having the same size as B like a picture below:

                         3) Pupils make a conclusion :
                              A cup have a most volume and  the dispensary bottle have a 
                              least volume.

4) Students doing the words sheet 1

For the high achiever students,teacher will use the teaching aid 1 to prepara the activities below:

Activities 2:

Learning Outcomes: To measure volumes of liquid using non-standard units.

Materials: a dispensary bottle
                 a cup
                 a drinking glass
                 a cylinder

1) Teacher picks  3 pupil to fill coloured-water into cylinders having same capacity by using  
   different measuring instruments.

                       For example:
                       Pupil A : Fills coloured- water by using a small Dispensary bottle.
                       Pupil B : Fills coloured-water by using a cup.
                       Pupil C : Fills coloured-water by using a drinking glass.

 2) Then, these pupils are asked to record, by using different measuring instruments, the 
      quantity  of coloured-water contained in the big cylinder in the following table:

Measuring instrument
Number of time required to fill the cylinder
Dispensary bottle


Drinking glass

3) Have the pupils write thier findings in the statement below:

The volume of water in the cylinder is the same as the capacity of ______dispensary bottles.
The volume of water in the cylinder is the same as the capacity of ______cups.

The volume of water in the cylinder is the same as the capacity of ______glasses.

4) Based on the activity above , teacher guides the pupil to make the following conclusion:

Quantity measured will be different if different measuring instrument are used to fill 
up the  same capacity .
5) Students doing the words sheet 2.


Teaching aids 2:Using measurement cylinder in measuring the volume

The Second step of teaching aids by using measurement cylinder:

       The pupils are understand the basic concept of capacity in the different non-standard containers, they are encouraged to step into the higher grade of lesson. Before measure the complicated volume, the pupils should understand to convert between the litres and millilitres, which is the low achieve teaching aid. Meanwhile, they are continue to measure the volume of different size of the container.

       Educator should teach the basic calculation of the conversion litres to millilitres, which is 1000 millilitres = 1 litre. At the same time, pupils are taught with using the measuring apparatus, which using millilitres and litres measurement cylinders. Well, the teacher pour the into the litres' measurement cylinder, then pour out the water into the millilitres' measurement cylinder. Therefore, the pupils can get to understand the conversion between the litres and millilitres.

       Since the pupils know how the conversion, they are continue the high achiever lesson of estimate and measure the actual volume of these different kinds of non-standard containers. In this high achiever lesson will bring the fun to the pupils, it also make the pupils get to estimate the right volume of the different size of containers.


Teaching aids 2 ( Activities )

For the teaching aids 2

Activities 3 ( For low achiever students)
      In the lower achiever activity,  teacher should prepare the containers like cup glass, water jar, bowl, and water bottle. Every containers are filled with water until it full. Now, the pupils are requested to compare the volume of the containers and arrange the volume of the containers ascendingly.

      During the activity is going on, the timer is taken to evaluate the understanding of the pupils on the estimation and the comparison of the volume among the containers.

 Activities 4 ( For high achiever students)

Learning Outcomes : To measure volume of container using graduated cylinder

Materials:  a cylinder
                    a water bottle
                    a bowl
                    a cup glass
                    a water jar

1) Divide the class into groups of four students and have them work in their cooperative groups.

2) Appoint one student in the group to be the recorder.

3) Each group is given a cylinder marked with 1 litre and few containers such as  water bottle, bowl, cup 
    glass and water jar to ascertain their respective capacities.

4) After the activity, the leaders of each group are asked to record their results in the following table:

                    Capacity in ml
water bottle


cup glass

water jar

4) Students doing the words sheet 3